
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Brian gets a Private Eye
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Murder! Fraud! Lies!
Brian talks to David B Watts, a long time Private Investigator, who has worked a variety of cases all over the U.S.
David talks about cases he worked, tactics he used and answers lots of Brian's questions about the business of sleuthing.
- What common item, found in your garage, will get you easy access to almost ANY location without getting caught?
- How did David hideout while he was on surveillance?
- What murder case did David work on where he is pretty sure THE WRONG GUY GOT CONVICTED?
- What famous singer's family hired David to help keep them out of trouble?
- What should YOU do if you find yourself being questioned by the police?
Hear it from a veteran gumshoe on this episode of Howe About That with Brian Howe!
Buy his books here!

Saturday May 25, 2019
Brian Travels the World
Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
If you are interested in cheap travel and tips on how to make travel more convenient and safer, this is the episode for you!
Brian's guest is Bethany Bayless, world-traveler, professional emcee and co-host of the fun, upbeat podcast The Money Millhouse. Bethany has been to almost 30 countries and she and Brian offer a wealth of practical travel tips and strategies to take the best trips possible!
What travel sites should you use? Are some days better than others to travel? What should you do about cell phones, WiFi and exchanging to local currency?
Is it safe for women to travel solo? Is expensive luggage worth the expense? What awesome luggage is GUARANTEED FOR LIFE?
What Central American country has Brian fallen in love with?
Find out the answers to all these questions and more on a really informative episode of "Howe About That with Brian Howe!"

Thursday May 16, 2019
Brian Gets An Escort
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
On this episode, Brian talks to author Sephe Haven about her experiences as a professional escort! Sephe has written a fantastic book called "My Whorizontal Life: An Escort's Tale", and on this show she tells Brian why she wrote the book, and how an educated, hardworking, Julliard-trained actress reached the point where escorting was her last, best hope for securing the future she worked so hard to achieve. She gives us the ins-and-outs of the business and describes some of the pitfalls and unexpected joys she encountered being a high-end escort to wealthy (and not so wealthy) men.
Does she ever have FAMOUS clients? (Hint: YES)
Which famous rock star got Sephe fired as a waitress when she spilled a plate of eggs in his lap? (Hint: His eponymous band is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!)
Does Brian have another career ahead of him as a male escort?
Learn ALL of this and much, much more on a can't miss episode of Howe About That with Brian Howe.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Brian does NOT go to the Moon with Bart Sibrel
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
How did we manage to take astronauts all the way to the moon safely with 1960s technology? Bart Sibrel says, "WE DIDN'T!!"
Brian Howe and Bart Sibrel deal with a number of questions like, "How could NASA maintain a perfect 72 degree cabin environment for days in the extremes of space with glorified car batteries?" and "How could the astronauts survive being bombarded with radiation in the Van Allen radiation belt?"
They also ask, "Why would NASA destroy all of the designs for moon technology? How is it possible that we had the technology to go to the moon 50 years ago, but we need to re-invent it for new moon missions today?"
Even if you are absolutely certain that the US went to the moon in the late 1960s, you should listen to this podcast. Mr. Sibrel is an expert who presents some pretty challenging evidence that open-minded people should want to see.
Don't miss this episode!

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Brian explores God, Prayer and Life after Death with Victoria Ackerman
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Brian is joined by Victoria Ackerman, founder of The Spirit University.
They talk about everything spiritual -- Is there a God? Is there an Afterlife? Can we communicate with loved ones who have passed on? What happens when people have Near Death Experiences (NDEs)? Is it REAL?
Do Pets have souls?
Don't miss it when avowed skeptic Brian Howe shares own his Near Death Experience and the visit he received from his dear grandmother -- who had already passed to the other side!

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Brian Talks Weed with Dr. Martha
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Brian talks everything marijuana with Dr. Martha Rosenthal, Professor of Neuroscience/Physiology at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Dr. Rosenthal tells us about the history of marijuana in the US, how it became illegal, what medicinal benefits cannabis products offer, and gives us a scientific explanation of how marijuana affects people who use it. She also tells us about programs offered at FGCU that can help prepare students for a career in the cannabis industry.
Is there scientific evidence that marijuana can help with a variety of ailments? What is the safest way to ingest cannabis products? Is CBD oil the real deal?
Find out the answers to these questions in this can't-miss episode!

Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Brian Talks to Ted Nugent!
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
The incomparable Ted Nugent calls in and shares his views on ineffective gun laws, how hunting is is a vital component of a healthy ecosystem, and shares his passion for nature and for life!
In addition to being a music legend, Ted is a TV star on his long-running Outdoor Channel show, "Spirit of the Wild." He is also an advocate for the group HunterNation, and a strong supporter of the Hunters For The Hungry initiative, which has provided hundreds of millions of organic, healthy meals for people in need.

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Brian's First Podcast!!!
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
On Brian Howe's very first podcast, he talks about where he's from, what happened on the day he died, how he ended up in Bad Company, his feelings on Donald Trump, medical marijuana... and tells us about his friend and colleague Ted Nugent.